
Showing posts from August, 2021

Recipe For A Civics Nerd

One day this week I decided to try writing something with a little extra humor, and this was the result: This is a recipe for a civics nerd, which I am sharing with you so that you, too can create your own political guru. (Warning: result may yammer on about politics to the point of insanity) Ingredients: -Baby -teddy bear with Uncle Sam hat -Patriotic picture books -American flags - americana decorations, crafts, and sweets -Book of American quotations -American historical fiction, and a lot of it -American Heritage Girls membership -Pocket size U.S. Constitution -Various civics, history, and founding documents curriculum -The Blaze -the EPOCH Times -Prager University -Generation Joshua membership -The Center For Self Governance -TeenPact Four Day Class -Open discussion Directions: Give baby teddy bear with Uncle Sam hat and read patriotic picture books aloud. When the baby turns into a toddler, help her place American flags on the graves of veterans. Use decorations, crafts, and swee