
Showing posts from March, 2023

IR Debate No. 5: Human Rights: A Hollow Promise To The World?

States make few efforts to promote and protect human rights. First and foremost, it is important to understand why human rights matter. Every man, woman, boy, and girl is created equal and bears the likeness of God. Fundamental human rights are endowed by God, not by government leaders. State human rights policies affirm that which is already true.  The freedom of expression, right to life, the right to work and get an education, and freedom from slavery and torture all fall under the human rights category. Being generally agreed upon as beneficial principles, these rights also contribute to international norms. Most states say that human rights are good and they are working on them, but they are inconsistent.  Inconsistency holds people and policies back. For example, the right to life is a human right and thus, in theory, it is supported by all democratic countries. However, abortion is still legal in 173 countries out of 195. Many of these nations restrict abortion, but that does no

IR Debate No. 4: Negotiations With North Korea

Imagine a bratty child screaming for sugary cereal in the grocery store. If you don't know this kid, you don't have much authority over him. You just roll your eyes, grab a loaf of bread, and hightail it to the produce section. But if this is your own rotten offspring, then you are authoritative, and it is your responsibility to make him get it together. You bend down, grab his hand, and instill respectful fear in him. You may wish for a moment you could just walk away, or that he would disappear with a cloudy puff, but he's a person. He's not going anywhere, and neither are you.  North Korea is the child. He's potentially a danger to himself and others, he's constantly changing and growing, and he is his parent's problem.  The United States is the parent. Having been placed in a position of authority, it is his responsibility to never give up on the child. "The United States is the most powerful country in the world today," (Fisher). Continuing ne