Memorial Day Is Not Veteran's Day

"Memorial Day is Monday, " my teacher said gravely. "I don't suppose I need to tell you what Memorial Day is about, right?" "No, sir, " the class answered. "Good," he said,"it's good to thank veterans for their service." 

There is a stark difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day that some Americans are not aware of. They think that both holidays are about appreciating the sacrifice given by thousands of men and women for our country. In a way, that's true, but each day is meant to be more specific than that. Memorial Day is the day we honor those who have died in active service. Veteran's Day is the day we honor those who have served in the military and survived. 

My father is a veteran. Whenever anyone spots his U.S. Marine Corps hat and thanks him for his service, he warmly thanks them and shakes their hand. He doesn't like it on Memorial Day, though, because Memorial Day is not about him. 

This Memorial Day, let's honor the people who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States of America. 


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