Destroying America

What is feminism? Where did it come from? What affect does it have on our society? As a highly controversial topic, in some circles it is largely ignored, while in others it is a regular discussion point. People debate, prosecute, and defend feminism vigorously. But is mere speech enough power against this ginormous mess? Through God, speech has the power to change minds and revive souls. Action, application and additional courage combat as well, but the first step is knowledge. It is important to know where feminism came from, what it is, and what it is doing to burn the foundations of free America.


First, it is fitting to start with a brief history of feminism. It can be traced all the way back to ancient Greece, when women openly protested the Oppian law, which prevented them from buying gold and a few other items. However, today it is mostly split into three waves ranging from the late 1800’s to the present. The first wave consisted of the suffragettes, writers such as Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (author of Frankenstein), the Duchess of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, Margaret Cavendish, and the thousands of women who joined the workforce after the Great Depression and during WWII. The ideology of the First Wave was tolerable in comparison to the current feminist philosophy. Surprisingly, many of the early feminists were opposed to abortion, and believed in helping the future women inside the womb as well as their mothers. Susan B. Anthony, an early suffragette, said “There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers,” and today, this is reality.  However, the suffragettes were not merely sweet ladies who wanted to go to the polls. For example, Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, made this horrifying statement: "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” She lived during the First Wave, but her ideology aligned more with the Second Wave. The second wave was known as “Women’s Liberation” and focused on “liberating” women from the traditional role of stay-at-home wife and mother. It lasted from the 1960’s through the 1980’s, during which the movement got the Equal Rights Amendment passed and founded the National Women’s Caucus. The Third Wave began in the 1990’s and is still going on today. After this past, what has feminism become?

Contrary to popular opinion, feminism is not the philosophy that men and women are created equal. That’s called classical liberalism, and was instituted in America during the Founding Era. Feminism says that not only are men and women equal, they are the same. Women can do what men can do. Men can do what women can do. There is no difference between them. But what happens when men act like women and women act like men? Neither are as great as they could be if they retained their designed roles. Elisabeth Elliot once said, “It is a naive sort of feminism that insists that women prove their ability to do all the things that men do. This is a distortion and a travesty.” Her reasoning behind this is that God created men and women to be different, with different strengths, different abilities, and different purposes. When mankind attempts to go against a construct that the Lord has made, it does not turn out well. Also, feminism attempts to suppress men because a long time ago (in America’s case), they suppressed women. Feminism screams that women are at a disadvantage in wages. But, in reality, men are not paid more than women for the same work. Women simply tend to gravitate towards lower paying jobs than men. Usually, someone who is willing to be on call and work longer hours gets paid more, and that is most likely to be a man. Obviously, feminism is not as simple and wholesome as classical liberalism. It’s much worse. 

Undoubtedly, because the National Organization for Women (NOW) is the leading feminist group in America, it can provide a broad overview of what feminism is doing today. As stated on their website, their Core Values are “Reproductive rights and justice, Economic justice, Ending violence against women, Racial justice, LGBTQIA+ Rights, and Constitutional Equality” ( What do those pleasant-sounding words mean? Some, such as “Ending violence against women” and “Constitutional Equality” obviously aim to help women. But what about the others? “Reproductive rights” are abortion. “Economic Justice” is socialism. “Social Justice” is discrimination. No matter how much feminists whine and explain, these theories do not improve women’s lives. They harm them. Furthermore, NOW is concerned about climate change. When added to their “Core Values”, that seems to encompass most of the Democratic Party’s agenda. Are feminism and NOW dedicated solely to the well-being of women, or is there more?

In conclusion, we urgently need to know about feminism’s origin, identity, and effect on our society so that we can powerfully resist it. Morphing into a venomous, hypocritical, and doomed monster, feminism has slowly crept into America’s government and culture without nearly enough opposition. We have allowed it to damage, wreck, and poison our land. Because of its own inner conflict and strife, it will one day fall. The question is, will it take America down with it? Or on the other hand, maybe it has. 



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