Notes from The Murder Mill: No. 2

 Good morning from Upstate SC, home of the largest baby killing facility in the state. 

On the morning of Friday, October 14, at the Greenville Women's Clinic on Grove Road, members of my church sang psalms and hymns right outside the ugly brown fence. It is our habit to do this one or two times a month.

When we sing, we stand in a circle. This is the only way we can hear each other. There is always an activist making a fool of herself with megaphones, speakers, and signs. Shocking and ugly words come through the megaphones and speakers. For example, one song contained the lyrics "I love babies! They're delicious!" and "I eat babies." The sounds may carry a tune, but it's not music. On the fourteenth, she walked around in the middle of our circle as we sang, taunting and videoing us on her iPhone (Is that legal?). None of us said a word to her. Some of the children couldn't help but stare. 

We finished with the Lord's Prayer and began crossing the street to get back to our cars. The activist started yelling into her megaphone. (She was shouting, but since no one wants to read anything in all capital letters, I did not write in all caps.)

 "What about your daughters? Would you want them to be forced to have babies if something horrible happened to them? Disgusting! That's disgusting. What about your sons? Too bad they can't get pregnant. And what if your priest-" 

Distracted by her audacity to make definitive statements about people she knew nothing about, I didn't hear the last bit. We are evangelical, so we don't have a priest, but the visiting minister happened to be wearing his clerical collar. (He's not even a member of our church). 

We sang the Doxology and drowned her out. 

As we made our way across Grove Road, a newly arrived activist grabbed a megaphone and addressed the children: 

"Santa Claus isn't real! The Easter Bunny isn't real! The Tooth Fairy isn't real! It's all lies!"

Joke's on him, because none of the parents in our church foster those beliefs anyway. But what kind of twerp would purposefully try to break apart a young child's trust in his or her parents and destroy childhood memories? The same who would fight to protect the child-slaughter. 

As the Psalm Sing came to an end, my friend exclaimed that he would like to "take her in an argument". Blast her lies into oblivion. Dissemble her faulty logic. Mutilate her twisty untruths. I agreed that it would be easy to do. However, I don't think it would help. Arguing with people who will not listen is like arguing with a thunderstorm. They will thunderously spew cold raindrops of language for a little while, and no matter what you say, they will not hear you. But all thunderstorms end. In a few hours, the rain splutters out and the clouds disappear. 

At the end of a half hour, we prayed. The men headed off to work, and most of the women and children went home to begin their normal school day. 


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