The Dog Mom Fiasco

Mother: A female parent; especially, one of the human race; a woman who has borne a child; correlative to son or daughter.

-Webster's 1828 Dictionary 

In this essay, I want to specifically address the "dog mom" trend. The paw print-embellished bumper stickers, t-shirts, and coffee mugs are merely the outward reflection of three deep-rooted problems.  

First of all, the perceived value of human life is going down. Abortion and euthanasia are obvious results. Although God created humans precious in His image, we don't treat each other right. Human life is the greatest blessing we can have, regardless of health. Disease or health conditions, including in the unborn and elderly, do not make a human lesser. 

The culture downplaying the importance of parenthood may also be partially to blame for this "dog mom" fiasco. Once upon a time, it was common for family to be the center of a young person's dreams, and for a career to be the tool that could make it possible. But now, it's the other way around. Most young adults focus on future career first and future family second (if at all). Some adults put their jobs first and consider their families as support for them as they work. This is not how it is supposed to be! Some people think that animals can be substitutes for children because of this.   

My mother was extremely uncomfortable for nine months before I was born in terrible agony. Since then, she's been hard at work teaching, guiding, beating, crying over, and encouraging me. I will never know the full extent of the sacrifices she has made for my life. Not to mention my little sister! 

So, for a woman to call herself a "mom" because she spoils her dog is seriously disrespectful to every mother. I don't care how worried a pet owner might be about Fluffy's long toenails. Mothers have concern for their children extending far beyond what anyone is capable of feeling over a dog. If the level of work, care, and responsibility of raising a child can be expressed as the planet Jupiter, then the level of the same qualities in having a pet is a pinhead. 

Don't call pet owners parents, because real parents are way better, and children are more important. 


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